Foundations: The Breath

Lets take a moment to consider our breathing. We breath each moment of each day of each month of each year of our life. The majority of this time we do not stop to acknowledge our breath unless it is challenged. Yet, the breath serves as the foundation for life. No breath, no life.

In yoga we use the breath to bring us into and out of postures with a sense of calm. Even if our body is working strongly in a pose, we pay attention to the breath to ensure that in each moment of our practice we have exactly what we need, one inhale and one exhale at a time. This gives our mind a focus during practice, helping us to remain present and aware.

The breath is the primary concern of our yoga practice. Our work is to notice the breath and understand what it is communicating to us, about us. For example, if the breath is short and ragged we may be over-efforting a pose and need to modify the pose for comfort and stability. When the breath is smooth and even, it is a sign that our efforts are balanced and focused. If we find that we are holding our breath at any point in the practice it is a sign that we have gone too far - physically, mentally or emotionally - and are failing to give ourselves what we need. This is a sign that a break is required to regain clarity and balance.

It is not that any of these instances are good, bad, or otherwise. Rather, we learn to observe the reality of the present moment through the cues of the breath. Then, with a deep sense of self-honoring and understanding, we offer what is needed. No judgement or evaluation necessary. We are simply working with what is.